
Monday, June 26, 2017

It's Monday! Here's What I'm Reading...

Visit Jen at Teach MentorTexts and Kellee and Ricki at UnleashingReaders to see what they've been reading, along with everyone else who link up.

Dear Friends,  
It's been 6 months since I've written about my reading!  Thanks for being a supportive blogging community.  I've been thinking and tending to ideas around this little blog to help me process learning.  But that story is for another day.

Let's look at what is in my book stack this week.  The theme of the stack?  It's really about staying connected to my 12 year old.  He really is an avid reader, and this summer we have really gotten in a groove of recommending books back and forth.  (And he's even been reading some of my favorites!)  I'm hopeful that books will keep us connected as we enter teenageland.  13 doesn't scare me.  We have books.  :)

Big A recommended this series, and both my Mr. and I can't put it down.  I know it's a couple years old.  If you love fairy tales, you may really enjoy this series!  Yes, we pre-ordered the next one already.  


So after Big A had is Mama and his Auntie bugging him about this series.  He finished 3 and said, "That's not cool.  What happens next?"  After a little research, I learned there was a 4!  


As I've picked this one up, I can't help but think of kids I want to hand this one to when I'm finished.  


Who is doing #cyber pd?  See you there!



  1. It's nice to hear that you & your son are reading & talking about the same books! My daughter & I read together well into high school, & have good memories from that. I'd forgotten about Egg & Spoon, a great story, & thanks for the other titles, too. I need to read Playbook! Have a great week, Kendra!

  2. I wish that I had spent more time reading and talking about books with my sons when they were children. I hope to remedy this with my grandkids. I've only read the first two in the Thickety series.

  3. I love the idea of cyber professional development. I would love to do some good reading about reading this summer. I wish I knew some good titles.
