Hey Dreamers.
Have you read this yet?

Go ahead and run over to Amazon and order it up. I'll wait. 😀
So my teachers in the middle of Iowa are reading it as a staff. And we had some great conversation about lessons 7-9. I was thinking of you guys as we discussed it on Friday.
Let's focus on procrastination (and distraction), shall we?
So we discussed the 5 minute rule that Jeff talks about in his book. (Lesson 7) And I tried it this weekend. There was a task I needed to complete for this week to make my classroom work. (Create a set of Google Slides) And it wasn't done. And I didn't want to do it. But once I set that timer, I was off and running on some work. While I didn't finish in the 5 minutes, when I returned to it later, I was more focused and prepared. And they are done for the week. I'll return to this strategy again.
As an educator, it's really easy for me to put off tasks, because there is always a distraction. Something else to work on. So another strategy I use is a work flow to manage tasks for each day. Here's mine.
And it opens up the time I need to pursue a dream or two!
How do you work through procrastination and distraction? I'd love to hear about it!