
Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Post for My #moveforwardanyway Friends


I've been thinking about our Dream Accelerator posts and where to go next. 

With school starting, honestly, I felt like everything was coming to a screeching halt.   My D word?  Doubt.  Big time.  Who am I to think that I can manage this dream and teach at the same time?

But two things have happened in the past 48 hours that made me think there is still a space for instructional coaching in the Lutheran Education system. 

First of all; this text message:

I mean.  I think I've "arrived" if you will as a church worker.  This is how it goes right? 😂😂😂
(By the way, this fall I've been paid in tomatoes, t-shirts and baseball tickets.  I wouldn't have it any other way...)  But on a serious note, this message reminded me that there is a space for this. 

Secondly, as I headed to my book study on Friday morning.  You know the one:

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A teacher who has also read the book, stopped me and said, "Maybe teachers have Dream Pauses in September."  She's a dreamer too, so this statement really resonated with me.  In July and August, it is easy to create work flows that you think will work in the fall.  September, for educators, seems to be a time of looking at an ideal work flow and looking at what can realistically happen.  For me, that has meant a lot of time with my family, as my high school son manages the freshman transition, running high school cross-country,  as well as some minor health concerns.  (In the past 24 hours, those concerns have subsided for now.  God is Good.  And prayer works.)

A "Dream Pause" seemed like exactly what to call it.  September brings the unexpected quite often. 

But The Dream can't stay dormant forever.  In order to move forward anyway, I was reflecting on this link that was shared in the FB group:  (Thanks Charles!)

As I reflect this morning, #4 is staring at me in the face.  There are two teachers telling me they want to work with me.  As I consider how to move forward anyway, for now, I'm going to focus on actually coaching these two friends to build some relationships and expertise.  I'll focus on reaching out to principals again in November or December. 

Now, hold my beer.  I can do this.  J. said so. 


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