
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

SOL: Late Night Slicing. Thoughts on Learning Something New.

Link up at  We are so grateful for this community.

Oh Man, it's the end of day one.

My head is spinning.

I'm new.  I've taught before.  But I'm definitely in a new place.  I understood all the requirements.  I know what I'm supposed to do.  I can tell you.  But am I really ready to do this?  I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff, and I'm not ready to jump.

Tonight,  I've been thinking about our precious learners.

They can tell us what they are supposed to do.  They understand.  Are we helping them feel ready to show us what they know?  No matter what that is:  reading, writing, speaking, "mathing"...

I'm in a heightened place.  I've been asked to do things I do know if I'm ready to do.  Dear Precious Learners, I know what it's like to step out and show what you think you know.  I'm staring at the edge of that cliff right now.  I promise you, I'm writing this slice because I don't want to forget this state of being a little uncomfortable.

I can't wait to meet you Precious Learners.  We'll stand at the edge of this cliff together.  We won't jump until you are ready.  But I promise you, whatever it is that you need to learn, we'll "Jump" together.



  1. I love the promise you have made to your learners. I would feel so confident with a student in your class. I wish you the very best start of the year this year. It's such an important job we do!

  2. I love the promise you have made to your learners. I would feel so confident with a student in your class. I wish you the very best start of the year this year. It's such an important job we do!

  3. I wish all teachers were brave enough to live in a state of "a little bit uncomfortable." Have a great year!

  4. I wish all teachers were brave enough to live in a state of "a little bit uncomfortable." Have a great year!

  5. I love that you wrote so you wouldn't forget that feeling of standing on the edge, Kendra. It's harder than we think to do new things, and you'll be the perfect support for the students since you've leaped yourself! Best wishes for a wonderful beginning.
