
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

#sol14 My Grandma

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Two Writing Teachers are hosting Slice of Life.  Join us!

In the Spring of 2010-ish, I was running with my husband on a country road. 
I was carrying my husband’s cell phone.  It rang.  It was my dad.  I could tell by the way he sounded when I answered it that he really wanted to talk to my Mr. and not me.  That was because he had to tell us he thought that my Grandmother was not going to survive that Easter weekend.  (And he wanted Mr. to have to tell me, he didn’t want to do it.  Who could blame him?)

A little backstory: 
          My own parents are amazing.  For nearly 14 years now they have cared for Grandmothers in their home.  The amount of care and love they have shown these ladies has been amazing.  When one of my Grandmothers passed in 2008, they readied the space for my other Grandmother without hesitating.  There are no words for the amount of servant hood that takes place in this farm house every day. 

Fast-forward to 2014 (Yep, she proved us all wrong in 2010) and here I wait as the sun comes up with anticipation.  How did she do last night?  I’ve been remembering some times on the farm that we wouldn’t have had if it hadn’t been for this extra time. 

What I remember about this day, is we had spent the afternoon with the boys searching for “cool rocks” in the corn field.  (It’s a thing.  Trust me.)  This was right after my Grandmother had spent some time in a nursing home for rehab, and my parents brought her back to the farm to stay. 

What makes me smile about this day?  She wanted to look at and hold every rock Li'l T had. 

Also, at one point, she had wheeled herself onto this slab, and saw the boys riding trikes and bikes.  “I can do that too,” she says.  She then proceeds to lift her feet and give a “Whee!” as she rolled gently across the slab of concrete.  Then she stopped, and looked at more rocks, like nothing had happened. That was a moment that I will never forget.  In all the slices I could share with you about my Grandmother, this one is my favorite. 

It’s a story and a moment that I’ll always remember, no matter what happens. 
I’m hopeful this morning,“Whee!” 


  1. Love that she still wants to be self-sufficient and do things for herself. That's so important!

  2. I assume that she is having a good time with your son, too, Kendra. Sorry for the worry, and glad you had these extra years with your grandmother!
