So, last week, I didn't blog about my #nerdlution work. Annie and I were working on our 100th Blog Post! It was fun to reflect and think about how we've grown as writers. (And friends.)
Writing Notes of Encouragement
I've written these this week. Some interesting responses. You see, when I set out to do this, unless you read this blog, you don't know I'm doing it. :) So there were a few interesting conversations this week. One involved my reasons/intentions. Instead of lauding #nerdlution, Ijust smiled and chatted a bit about the goal I set for myself. In another situation, the note that I wrote wasn't in the plan. :) My husband and I had the opportunity to write a reflection for some people who are caring for one of our kiddos. I know that some other people also responded, and chose to not be thankful and supportive for the work taking place. We agreed not to do this, and instead chose to recognize the hard work taking place. I know the teacher was grateful for the support. Just a few examples of responses this week. I don't know that I have any thoughts on this.
50 bags in 50 days
You know, it's been easy to go through a space in the house and clean it out. I completely went through our bedroom and organized a quiet study space for me. Yes, I have two. One downstairs for planning, blogging, email, etc. (So I can see and chat with my family when I'm working.) One upstairs for studying coursework without interruption. The one upstairs actually filled 3 bags at once! (And I also organized the cords for our technology a bit. Not filling a bag, but pretty cool.) I also donated one of my bags this week. I'm hoping to do more donating as I continue to work.
This has been a good goal. As Spring break approaches, I'm not so worried about cleaning out the entire house. This goal has lead me though to revisit our "backpack routine." Between mail and the boys' work, there are some spaces that I should clean up 1-2 times a day. Ugh. Last night, I think I figured out a routine that might work. All 3 of us sat down at the table. Li'l T grabbed the cookies and there was homework, and a sweep of the backpacks. Then I was able to move on with my night, knowing it was done. Does anyone have a good routine for this?
Hopefully your #nerdlution goals are going well! Happy Thursday!