
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Celebrate: Teacher Reflection.

Dear Friends, Every week Ruth Ayres hosts a link-up to celebrate all that is good!  That link is here.
Join us!

 Yesterday, I had the chance to read a lot of your posts as I was going throughout my day.  Saturday turned into a "bucket list" day for us.  The Farmer's Market for me, and the State Fair for my family.  Along with dessert at a friend's house.  A perfect August day indeed.  

My brain has been on overload since I've started a new school year.  Yesterday, as I was reading lots of your posts, I was pondering the idea of reflection.  

I celebrate teachers who take the time to reflect when possible.  

I celebrate principals and leaders who grab onto the importance of time to reflect.  

Reflection that doesn't take place behind closed doors.  The kind where the doors are wide open and the wandering in and out with questions and ideas takes place.  

Reflection that happens in the early hours of the morning before anyone else is there to see the open door.  

Reflection that happens at night when you just need to plan out "one more thing."  

I have been given ample time to reflect in all settings in the past week.  With my staff, with teachers, with myself.  It's been amazing and has allowed me to feel prepared as I go into this week.

How important and helpful it's been to just have time to reflect on all things before school starts.  A few of mine have been:  room arrangement, time and how to spend it best, literacy practices and sharing those with new teachers.  I'm also in a Faith-based school now, and I'm thinking a lot about how to best share Faith with young students in a joyful, authentic way.  Right now, I'm reflecting a lot on the use of music and how that can play a part in the teaching of this piece.  

Happy August Friends!


  1. Reflection is so important and I love the idea of reflection taking place with doors wide open and ideas coming in and out. Seems like when the door is closed, it is no longer reflection, but complaining. Lovely metaphor. Good luck in your new position! How exciting.

  2. Kendra, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I think time for reflection is the water that helps our souls to grow in beauty. I really like the idea of the avenue of music to share your faith. Music is our first teaching device as mothers (ABC, Itsy Bitsy, etc) and should be an important learning tool throughout our lives

  3. It sounds like your week was filled with good reflection in many ways, Kendra. That always feels restful to me, to be able to think over the past, move into future plans, and on. Thanks for reminding and celebrating all kinds of reflection.

  4. There is a peace in this writing about reflection and a calmness. I, also hear an invitation to join in. Lovely.
