Some tiny moments from school last week that I celebrate:
1. A moment where I walked into an inside recess. (Have Mercy on the Middle of the Midwest! Brrr...) I looked around. Everyone was engaged together and peaceful. They were all playing/engaged in something appropriate. It was that lovely buzzing sound that let me know everything was okay. They are great kids.
2. Some handwriting practice and a dance party. As they are quietly engaged in some handwriting practice, music is on in the background. I'm quietly observing work, and a student and I end up discussing quietly the "Sprinkler" dance move. I look up. They Are All Doing It. Without making a sound. :) I celebrate these kids!
3. Wednesday night church suppers. It was snowing. Lots of places around us were cancelling. Just try to get between a Lutheran and their church supper. :) Great conversations with dear friends. I'm glad we ventured out.
4. Wednesday also brought some time to reflect. With a substitute in my classroom, I was able to spend time with some students, think and plan, catch up. And all during working hours. I'm thankful for a community that will provide that time for teachers.
5. This weekend, I start the Slice of Life Challenge, and I'm offering the Classroom Slice as a challenge to my first graders as well. Stay tuned. :)
tiny celebrations. But we celebrated them all!