
Monday, March 3, 2014

It's Monday-What Are You Reading? And #sol14--What Are You Reading?

Two Writing Teachers have written about the Slice of Life on their blog.  Head on over and check it out!

Before I get into the what I'm reading from the book fair, you guys.  Flora and Ulysses.  Just read it.  I'm not even sure what to say.  I've been thinking about it all week.  

It's book fair season in my neck of the woods.  Man-what is more fun than a book fair?  How about two?  I have a son in a different school from me, so we get to enjoy the book fair twice!  (I'm sure that's how my accountant husband likes to think of it...)  

So here's what we are enjoying from the book fair:

I bought A Snicker of Magic for me, but immediately my oldest wanted a turn.  I had a moment tonight.  :)  He's really at awesome age where we can read books together and have authentic conversation.  We always have read together as a family, but he and I can pass some books back and forth and share what we are thinking.  (Don't worry-it sounds awesome, but he's a 9 year old boy, and I'm his mother.  I'm sure this is a fleeting moment.  But I enjoy the moments when they are here.  And I loved having him interested in what I was reading!)

In my classroom, we were readjusting our dismissal routine.  When I asked for their feedback on how we could readjust this effectively, they piped in with, "Can we read?  Is it okay to get the books out?" 

 Yes.  Yes it is. 


  1. Must have been an awesome book fair. We had one in the fall, now have to wait till later in the spring! Thanks for the titles-must look for that Cynthia Lord "Happy Birthday Hamster"-looks so cute. And "A Snicker of Magic" is already on the list!

    1. The boys loved "Happy Birthday Hamster". We are on a trimester grading system, and our schools run book fairs about a week apart. A Snicker of Magic is my spring break read!

  2. I downloaded the free chapters for Flora and Ulysses from Amazon on my kindle a few weeks ago but haven't bought the whole book yet. Now I need to. ;)

    1. Yes you do! I'm still thinking about it! Even though I don't know it would have use in my classroom on a regular basis, I want to buy my own copy I loved it that much! So Good!
