
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

When the First Day Back Works!

So.  Welcome back to school.  You've been out of routine for 2 weeks.  It's this cold, and so you haven't been playing outside much.  And now we are headed back into the classroom.  And yet it worked.  It was a good day.  Tonight I'm reflecting about why:

1.  An ease into the day.  As the kids came in, there was a chance to play, to chat, to choose how to begin.  

2.  Some routine.  There was a little handwriting.  A little math.  

3.  Chapel.  Being in a school that has chapel once a week, there is something about anchoring spiritually to start the day.  We sang one of my favorites:

4.  Time to back up and review.  We spent a lot of time talking today about how to choose books to read.  And then we practiced and chose books.  (And read them!)

5.  Snacks.  I offered some choices for snacks, and later in the day our principal stopped by with a small sweet treat to end the day.  

6.  Time to talk.  First graders have adventures.  All the time.  So we spent some time in circles just chatting about our breaks.  

7.  Time to play.  Blocks, a new Lego wall, art supplies, Smash Pong, Hot Wheels, and Animal Figures were a hit!

8.  Water.  Lots of chances to drink water.  

9.  Quiet Time.  Sometimes it's important to engage in that passion by yourself.  We try to do a little bit everyday.  

Have you started school yet?  How was your first day?

By the way, I've decided to go on a 31 day writing spree for January.  :)  Anyone else?


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