
Thursday, March 12, 2015

SOL Day 12 My Writing Without Sight

Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life on their blog.  Join us and link up too!

I'm in my writing space.
I turned the lights off to remind me to tune into my other senses.  

The Grandfather clock ticks with a lower and then higher cadence.  It reminds me of younger days when we still had our Grandparents.  

The coffee smells of anticipation for the day.  I'm missing my creamer, although, almond milk seems to be doing the trick.  The end of the week can be tricky before we make it to the store again.  

No TV.  No Music.  The hum of my laptop is all I hear.  I used to wonder how my Mom could do that in the morning.  Now I understand. There is nothing like a quiet house before it springs to life with 3 boys and a husband.

Across the house I can hear the water running from my bedroom and bathroom.  My husband is preparing for his day.  Listening to local news and traffic being announced from our bedroom.  By the way the water sounds, I know he's shaving and brushing his teeth right now.  A clue that I need to consider the time.  

Oh!  There it is!  I just heard the thump of a 10 year old climbing out of bed.  It always sounds like he's dropping rocks.   As he stumbles down the stairs, I'm so lucky to still feel the arms of my oldest in a "Good Morning" hug.  Then the sounds of life appear:  Sportscenter, "Mom can you make me an egg scramble?"  "I'm going to read all spring break.", And we land on morning cartoons.

Time for more coffee, I can sense my coffee is gone.


1 comment:

  1. love the thinking after each sense ..that is what my mind does too. It felt as it a knew every aspect of you home..nice!
