
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Celebrate This Week! January 18th

Discover. Play. Build.

I'm linking with Ruth Ayres, and her weekly link up.  Read More about that here.  What a wonderful idea from Ruth Ayres!

1.  Let's Celebrate the Snow Squall!

Oh you read that right!  On Thursday, right at dismissal time, my part of the world was hit with a snow squall!  After my students were safely with their families, it was time for me to drive my own son across town to pick up the rest of the family and get home.  I've never seen wind, snow, and traffic come together in such a crazy way!  What I love about Iowans, is that the worst, (the weather and traffic) brings out our best.  There were countless stories about strangers helping each other.  This one is my favorite.  I also celebrate that my friends and family returned home safely to each other and to me!  (2 hour commutes and all...) 

2.  Celebrating School!

I'm working on a blog post that I've been trying to write for 3 days.  (Life happens.)  But this week, the short story is, we really turned a corner in our Love for reading.  :)  The Book Buzz and the Reading Lounge were a success!  Stay tuned, I really want to share the details...

I've also been problem solving with countless staff on how to help one little friend.  In a moment of clarity, I was able to put together a plan that I believe will protect privacy and dignity, but also provide the support and encouragement that is needed.  

3.  Celebrate Strong!

I blogged about my One Little Word here.  This week had some strong moments.  At school-it was when the love of reading and the act of learning to read came together.  Man, I love January in first grade.  

At home-our routine as a family is working pretty well.  As I sit here on a Saturday morning, I'm not feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work to be done around here.  That opens up a lot of time for fun and relaxation.  As my Mr. was asking what I wanted to do this weekend, it felt good to answer with things like: blog, read, workout, shop (which I don't do really...) instead of rattling off a list of chores we 'had' to get done.  

A shout out to my blogging partner, Annie!  I was Strong in my workouts this week, with her support.  At 5 am daily, I received an awesome text message from her telling me to get up and go work out.  Sometimes I made it to the gym, sometimes I did some yoga at home.  Thanks Annie for the help and support.  Also, if you don't have the Good Habits app, Annie wrote about that here.  I have enjoyed marking off each workout to see my chain grow longer!  

I'm going to work on re-introducing the reading and writing that I've so enjoyed when there were 'cold' days, and winter break.  And I'm working on my Master's currently.  That too didn't receive the attention that it should have.  

What are you celebrating this week?  Here's to more celebrations next week!


  1. I celebrated school on my blog too! First graders are amazing in January, It's hard to believe they're the same kids I sent home in December. Here's to happy teaching and learning ever after!
    Off to check out the Habits App!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting so I could find your blog! I do love January!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the shoutout! No has actually helped me to move a little faster in the morning. I wait to text you until I'm at the gym with a goal to text you before 5:05!
